The Butterfly Effect | As a Metaphor

What is the butterfly effect?
In simple words, an example could be that if a butterfly somewhere in some corner of the world, flutters its wings, this act may cause a hurricane somewhere else.
Weird right?
In chaos theory, basically a minute or almost a negligible change in the environment such as the flutter of butterfly’s wings may be deterministic for a certain event in the larger scale of reference. It was given by Lorenz.
Hence, the name “The Butterfly Effect”.
What does it mean metaphorically?
Metaphorically speaking, if you were to introspect and relate yourself with this effect. It would mean that every little thing you do, whether good or bad has an effect on the universe, in the larger scheme of things. Change is the only constant, and every second, in every breath it happens.
The more you realize and become aware of yourself and the surroundings, you understand how deeply you impact and maintain the delicate balance of the ecosystem. Everything happens for a reason, which may be apparent or maybe not. Everything moves forward in the direction that it is supposed to move.
You and everything that you do affects everything, and similarly, everything that happens even remotely will have an effect on you.
So, go put in that little extra effort, put in that one extra hour at work, put in that one extra push up, try one more time, because, in the end, it will all make sense!